Tempix Label
Tempix Label
Tempix Label
Tempix Label

Tempix Label

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    Tempix Label – the intelligent label


    The Tempix time-temperature smart label is a unique Swedish innovation which assures that a product has been handled within the correct temperature throughout the whole cold chain, from producer to the retailer. The Tempix smart label is cheap and flexible enough to be applied on all products which are temperature sensitive – food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, wine and industry.


    The average time taken to transport food from producer to retailer ranges from 5–15 days, with as many as 7–8 intermediary parties involved in the cold chain transport. Freshness of food and the efficacy of vaccines is dependent on how well the cold chain has been maintained during the entire transport period. Since the cold chain is only as secure as its weakest link, it only takes poor handling on the part of one logistics provider to have a negative impact on product quality. Unlike temperature data loggers, the Tempix smart label follows the product all the way from factory to retailer, and is able to track cumulative temperature violations in the cold chain. If the indicator is intact, it guarantees the products are in good condition when goods are sold in the stores. In the broader perspective, proper temperature handling leads to reduced wastage, higher revenues and operating margins for all parties involved. The Tempix temperature indicator promotes the environment, good health and good eating habits.


    The Tempix temperature indicator enables cold chain stakeholders to get better visibility of the temperature limits for goods deliveries. They are also able to easily verify that products, and that means every single pack, have been handled at the correct temperature during transport. The transparency makes it easier to take control of the handling process and responsibility becomes clearer when it comes to manufacturing, storage and transport. The result is an improved quality approach by those handling the temperature sensitive goods.


    The Tempix temperature indicator reveals whether an individual package has been handled within the proper temperature range, from producer all the way to consumer. When the black control bar in the Tempix indicator is visible, the customer can be sure that the product has been transported and stored at the correct temperature in the cold chain. If the product is kept in the correct temperature range, the indicator will remain unaffected for an unlimited amount of time. If the product has been exposed to conditions above the stipulated temperature for an extended period of time, the control bar in the window will disappear and the bar code will be blocked.

    The temperature indicator can be used for different temperature requirements. It can be set between -35°C to +32°C, with a precision of ±0.5°C.

    For instance, frozen products such as ice cream can use an indicator that is set at -18°C, fish products +2°C, meat products +4°C, salad products +6°C, pharmaceutical products +8°C and cosmetics +30°C. Handling time/exposure time can be set differently depending on the products cold chain requirements. The indicator starts to monitor the cold chain directly after the labeling.

    The indicator is made up of an absorbent (standard thermal paper label) and a cover label which encapsulates the activator liquid. No extra equipment is required in order to read the temperature indicator. The system is compatible with existing bar code scanners. Tempix supplies a complete turnkey solution comprising a 2-in-1 thermal label printer and a cover label applicator for encapsulating the activator liquid.

    The equipment is built with well tested components and technologies which provides very high reliability. This 2-in-1 printer label machine is the only capital investment required. All the components of the temperature indicator have been approved for use in the food packaging industry. The product is Normpack certified, No: 160 15 100 2 201 24.
    Customers also have complete flexibility in how they want to print the warning indicators on the label. If they feel there needs to be additional time provided before triggering the black control bar or barcode, the system can be adjusted via a simple software program.

    The Tempix smart label solution can be used flexibly in a B2B or B2B2C application, depending on customer preferences. The labels are also cheap enough that they can be applied to multiple surfaces including shipping boxes, cartons, and food transport pallets.