Photothermal Radiometry ForaTherm

Photothermal Radiometry ForaTherm

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    • Typical applications: Hardness testing:
      Measurement of case hardness depth (CHD)
      Hardness depth profiling of coatings
      Measurement of coating thicknesses
      Detection of delaminated coatings
      Detection of hidden corrosion
    • Other applications: Detection of the grinding burns
      Porosity Quantification
      Testing of the welding joints


    Photothermal Radiometry ForaTherm

    Photothermal radiometry is a non-contact and nondestructive testing method for hardness measurements (e.g. hardness profiles of case-hardened steels). Other applications are measurement of coating thickness, coating adhesion or detection of grinding burns. Whenever surface layers are altered by mechanical, chemical or heat treatment, photothermal radiometry can be considered for characterization. This technique is much faster than metallographic analyses, thus enabling inline hardness inspection. Even complete hardness depth profiles can be reconstructed for laboratory purposes.